How Much Does Photo Organizing Cost?
As you start looking for photo organizers, one of the main questions that you may ask is how much do photo organizing services cost?
Photo organizing is a very time-consuming service. We take great lengths to care for and protect your images and have spent years developing a fast and efficient process for working on your project.
There are a few factors that determine the time and cost of a project:
How Many Images You Have
The more images, the more time it takes to complete your project. Culling your images before you send them off to us will help reduce time and cost.
Where and How Your Images Are Stored
Many of us have images spread across various devices and cloud services, and stored in closets and old drawers. For clients that are able to do so on their own, we highly recommend you consolidate your images into one place. The consolidation process can be extremely time-consuming, especially when you have to wait around for images to download or go searching in the back of your closet for those old boxes of prints. If this is something you feel comfortable doing on your own, it will allow the time we spend on your project to be dedicated to organizing your images.
For digital images, this means gathering them all into one location. We recommend purchasing a new hard drive or two and copying all of your photos from various devices onto this hard drive.
For analog media, this means looking through your house and your family members’ houses for all of those important family photos and albums. We recommend purchasing clear plastic bins and putting everything you find inside of them.
How Organized You Already Are
If you already have your images scanned, or organized into folders, or tagged by person, then that will speed up our process.
Your Organizational Goals
For digital organizing, we like to think of it in two phases.
1.) Foundational Organization: This includes things like organizing into folders by year and month, de-duping your library, and removing screenshots. This type of organization creates the foundation for how you will sort all of your future photos.
2.) Detailed Organization: This includes things like tagging by person, choosing the best images, assigning categories to your photos, adding keywords, and more. This type of organization allows you to easily and quickly search your photo library.
For analog (prints, albums, heirlooms, VHS, miniDVs, etc.) organizing, it is important to ask yourself the following questions:
1.) Do you want everything scanned, or only images of people or important memories?
2.) Do you want your media physically organized in order by date? This tends to take time and requires input from you to ensure we have the proper dates.
3.) Do you want details added to the file names of your scans, like people’s names, places, events? We recommend this as it allows your images to be searchable.
4.) Do you want your digitized prints added to a digital photo library?
5.) Do you want archival labels placed on your media?
Do you have digital images, analog media (Prints, Albums, Artwork, VHS, etc.), or both?
Each type of organizing service requires a separate set of skills and tools to complete. The format of your media will dictate how your project is done and how much time it takes to complete.
Below you will see a chart with some example projects and their estimated costs.
*Please note that every project and scope of work is different and these are just general estimates.